Friday, August 21, 2015

Friend of Friends Friday: Ranaway (Nelly)

Alexandria Gazette
13 July 1830


RANAWAY from the subscriber, on the 20th of June last, a woman by the name of NELLY about 26 years old, dark complexion, sullen look, and slow of speech when spoken to.  She was hired first of the present year of Reuben Johnston, and is the property of Mrs. Ann Hoar, of Dumfries, where she was born.  She has on various kinds of clothes, domestic, and principally one black silk dress, which she may wear at this time.  I will give $20 if taken within the District, and $25 if taken out of it, with all reasonable charges if brought home.

Jno. Tatsapaugh

[The above reward of $25 will be given for the apprehension of said negro, instead of $50, as stated in a former advertisement.]

jy 12-3t

The Editor of the Telegraph will publish the above 3t, and send his account to the subscriber, or to this office, for payment.

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