Friday, June 20, 2014

Friend of Friends Friday: Solomon Brill on Slavery

Alexandria Gazette
December 5, 1859

A meeting of the citizens of Brentsville, Va., was held on the 28th ult. for the purpose of investigating "the soundness or unsoundness of Mr. Solomon Brill, upon the subject of Slavery," (said meeting having convened at Mr. Brill's request), and upon motion of Mr. J. T. Leachman, Aylett Nicol, esq., was called to the chair, and Mr. R. I. Reid, appointed Secretary.  "Mr. Brill, then and fully and feely stated his opinions on the subject of Slavery, saying that he recognized the right of property in slaves, and that he considered Slavery neither a social, moral nor political evil.  On motion of John T. Williams, Mr. Brill was declared exonerated from all suspicions as to his unsoundness upon the subject of slavery."

[Solomon Brill served as a constable for Prince William County. ~cgl]

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