Saturday, May 19, 2012

Obituary: Stephen Pitkin

Alexandria Herald – 7 December 1812

DIED at Dumfries, VA. On the 30th ult. Stephen Pitkin, Esq. – He was a native of Vermont, in which state he received an academical education, and removed to this place, where he opened a school for the instruction of youth in the classical and elementary branches of literature.  In his professional capacity his conduct was unimpeached, and his patronage equal to his wishes.  He conciliated the affection of his pupils in a remarkable degree, by his mild and rational system of discipline, and secured their respect by the dignity of his deportment and the zeal with which he inculcated the information he possessed. His talents and acquirements procured him respect in society; while the openness of his manners and the amiableness of his disposition, won the esteem of all who knew him.  His death has excited the spontaneous regret due to departed worth and the loss of eminent services; and a participation in that sentiment, has dictated this unaffected tribute to his memory. ~Dumfries, Dec. 4, 1812

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