Saturday, March 3, 2012

1852 - Democratic Meeting in Prince William

Alexandria Gazette
March 12, 1852


At a meeting of the Democratic party of the county of Prince William, held at the Court house on Monday, March 1st, (that being court day) B.E. Harrison was called to the Chair, and J. Thomas Leachman appointed Secretary.

Charles E. Sinclair, esq., introduced the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED, That we concur in the recommendation of the Democratic members of the Legislature, for the holding of a Democratic State Convention, in the city of Richmond, on the 24th instant, and that the Chair appoint a committee of one from each precinct in the county, to nominate to the meeting suitable delegates to said convention.

The Chair appointed Messrs. Jasper, Gaines, Brawner, Fisher, and Davis.

The committee raised by the above resolution, having retired, returned and reported the following delegates, who were unanimously chosen, viz:

For Occoquan precint – B. Brawner, Isaiah Fisher, Francis Hanna, A.H. Saunders, Chas. E. Norman.

For Dumfries precinct – Wm. C. Merchant, Robert B. Merchant, Thomas Golding, W.H. Norvill, Z.A. Kankey.

For Haymarket precinct – Charles H. Hunton, Wn. Lyon, John D. Dogan, Dr. Jesse Ewell, Richard O. Stanley.

For Independent Hill precinct – Seymour Lynn, Thomas N. Carter, Lawrence Cole, Moses Copin, Milton Fitzhugh.

For Brentsville precinct – Eppa Hunton, Charles E. Sinclair, Redmon F. Brawner, Daniel Jasper, Philip D. Lipscomb, Benjamin Johnson, James M. A. Muschett.

RESOLVED, That any Democrat of this county who may be in Richmond during the session of the Convention be requested to take his seat as a delegate from this county.

RESOLVED, That we DO NOT CONCUR in the recommendation of the National Committee appointed by the Baltimore Convention of 1848, to restrict the delegation to the approaching Democratic National Convention to one member from each Congressional District.

RESOLVED, That the proceedings of this meeting be forwarded for publication to the Age, Alexandria Gazette, Warrenton Flag, and the Democratic papers in Richmond.

The meeting, on motion, then adjourned.

B.E. Harrison, Chairman.
J.T. Leachman, Secretary

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